Peer Review Process

Dear ‎‎Contributing ‎‎Authors and Peer ‎‎Reviewers,

At the Interdisciplinary Studies in English Language Teaching (ISELT), ‎‎peer ‎‎review ‎‎plays ‎‎a ‎‎vital ‎‎role ‎‎in ‎‎upholding ‎‎the ‎‎academic ‎‎integrity ‎‎and ‎‎quality ‎‎of ‎‎our ‎‎publications. ‎‎This ‎‎concise ‎‎document ‎‎summarizes ‎‎the ‎‎core ‎‎ethical ‎‎guidelines ‎‎for ‎‎reviewers, ‎‎grounded ‎‎in ‎‎international ‎‎standards ‎‎and ‎‎informed ‎‎by ‎‎the ‎‎Committee ‎‎on ‎‎Publication ‎‎Ethics ‎‎(COPE, ‎‎Version ‎‎2, ‎‎September ‎‎2017)*. ‎‎We ‎‎extend ‎‎our ‎‎heartfelt ‎‎thanks ‎‎to ‎‎our ‎‎contributing ‎‎peer ‎‎reviewers ‎‎for ‎‎their ‎‎invaluable ‎‎role ‎‎in ‎‎fostering ‎‎high-quality ‎‎and ‎‎ethical ‎‎research ‎‎at ‎‎ISELT. ‎‎As ‎‎a ‎‎kind ‎‎request, ‎‎we ‎‎encourage ‎‎reviewers ‎‎to ‎‎carefully ‎‎consider ‎‎the ‎‎following ‎‎guidelines ‎‎to ‎‎ensure ‎‎transparency, ‎‎fairness, ‎‎accountability, ‎‎and ‎‎ethical ‎‎rigor ‎‎throughout ‎‎the ‎‎review.

For ‎‎full ‎‎details, ‎‎please ‎‎refer ‎‎to ‎‎the ‎‎comprehensive ‎‎version ‎‎of ‎‎ISELT’s ‎‎Ethical ‎‎Guidelines, ‎‎available ‎‎HERE.


ISELT’s ‎‎Editorial ‎‎Office


Guidelines and ‎‎Ethical ‎‎Responsibilities ‎‎for ISELT’s Peer ‎‎Reviewers (The ‎‎Concise ‎‎Version)

A. Double-Anonymous Model

Both reviewer and author identities are concealed to ensure unbiased evaluation.

B. Confidentiality

All reviews remain confidential and cannot be shared or used for personal gain.

C. Competing Interests

Declare any personal, financial, or intellectual conflicts of interest before accepting reviews to avoid bias or ethical concerns.

D. Timeliness

Respond promptly to invitations, adhere to deadlines, and notify editors of delays or inability to complete reviews.

E. Ethics Violations

Report suspected ethical violations to the editor without contacting authors directly or conducting independent investigations.

F. Constructive Feedback

Provide objective, professional feedback aimed at improving the quality and scientific validity of the manuscript.

G. Editorial Mediation

Editors facilitate communication and act as intermediaries between reviewers and authors to ensure professionalism.

H. Ownership

Reviews belong to the journal and are conducted via the journal’s facilitated process.

I. Preparing a Report

Follow ISELT’s instructions for completing evaluation forms and rubrics. Provide constructive feedback and avoid defamatory or hostile comments (e.g., COPE Case 08-13).

J. Appropriate Feedback

Offer a balanced assessment of the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses. Align recommendations with comments and specify which sections were reviewed.

K. Language and Style

Suggest necessary changes for clarity while respecting the author’s original style. Support non-native English authors with constructive suggestions when required.

L. Suggestions for Improvement

Focus on evaluating the quality and rigor of the work. Recommend additional analyses only when necessary to support arguments. Avoid asking for excessive or unwarranted expansions.

M. Accountability

Conduct independent reviews without involving others without permission. Avoid unjustified criticisms or excessive citation requests for personal benefit.

N. Post-Review Considerations

Evaluate revised submissions promptly, considering the authors’ responses to prior feedback. Notify editors if new information changes your position (COPE Case 13-15).

O. Seek Permission When Involving Others

Obtain approval from editors when involving students or junior researchers in peer reviews to maintain transparency and ethical compliance.

P. Acknowledge Contributions

Transparently credit the contributions of students or junior researchers assisting with reviews.

* ‎‎‎‎‎‎COPE ‎‎‎‎‎‎Ethical ‎‎‎‎‎‎guidelines ‎‎‎‎‎‎for ‎‎‎‎‎‎peer ‎‎‎‎‎‎reviewers ‎‎‎‎‎‎— ‎‎‎‎‎‎English. ‎‎‎‎‎‎